Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well! My life has been quite the busy one.
Sorry it's been so long, I guess I forgot about this blog that is so dear to my heart. As an update to start with, my 2nd oldest brother Nathan is engaged to Leah Seibel! It is a very exciting process. Their wedding is in April, and I'm very excited for them! I'm also excited to be standing up in the wedding, which a huge honor for me. The Seibel family had their Christmas Concert(s) this past weekend, the 17th and 18th, which Nathan was able to participate in. Though it was a long and stressful process, it all turned out just beautifully. We had our Christmas gathering with both sides of grandparents also, which was great fun! We opened presents, and ate yummy food! We also were very blessed to receive a Wii Console and a 50" screen TV! We are so excited to use our Wii, it's quite fun! I've updated my Facebook with the Wii remote a few times, not as easy as a mouse and keyboard, but I'm getting the hang of it! :)
I've also started a new book. I'm really excited about this one, though I haven't had a chance to keep working on it. I need to, though. This one I have a really good feeling about! I also, shall we say, "stole" the upstairs hallway landing for my craft "room" where I have all my beading and card making junk. :) I'm up there quite a bit. :)
I also turned 17 this month, which don't get me wrong, its a great age and all, but I feel OLD. But I guess if I told that to a 30 year old they would laugh at me. Ah well, that's life I guess. :) OH and also for my birthday, I was given a cellphone! I am very excited about that! We are also getting a texting plan as a Christmas present from my parents as well, I'm extremely excited about that! Ah we are so blessed!
Micah is doing extremely well in school, it was difficult in the beginning, but now he is enjoying it very much. He's been taught so many things that we couldn't have been able to teach him. It's absolutely amazing. God is so good! Praise God that we were put in this area for him to be able to have a special needs class just for him. Ah, it's amazing how God works everything out.
Ben, Nyki and August are doing just splendidly, we are so proud of them! August has turned out to be quite the cute little hunk of a baby! He is SO cute! I just can't get enough of him!
Daddy's work has been a blessing as well, he was "promoted" to a higher job, which is still the same job he had before, but now he's the "Manager". There's something about being called a "Manager" that makes you feel super important. :) Awesome!
Ho hum, what else is there? AH yes. I'm hoping to find a job after Christmas Break. Possibly at the new Joann Fabrics that is opening up in FDL. That would be cool. :)
Well, that's all from me! Hopefully I didn't forget anything or leave anything out!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year everyone!