Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Well! My life has been quite the busy one.
Sorry it's been so long, I guess I forgot about this blog that is so dear to my heart. As an update to start with, my 2nd oldest brother Nathan is engaged to Leah Seibel! It is a very exciting process. Their wedding is in April, and I'm very excited for them! I'm also excited to be standing up in the wedding, which a huge honor for me. The Seibel family had their Christmas Concert(s) this past weekend, the 17th and 18th, which Nathan was able to participate in. Though it was a long and stressful process, it all turned out just beautifully. We had our Christmas gathering with both sides of grandparents also, which was great fun! We opened presents, and ate yummy food! We also were very blessed to receive a Wii Console and a 50" screen TV! We are so excited to use our Wii, it's quite fun! I've updated my Facebook with the Wii remote a few times, not as easy as a mouse and keyboard, but I'm getting the hang of it! :)
I've also started a new book. I'm really excited about this one, though I haven't had a chance to keep working on it. I need to, though. This one I have a really good feeling about! I also, shall we say, "stole" the upstairs hallway landing for my craft "room" where I have all my beading and card making junk. :) I'm up there quite a bit. :)
I also turned 17 this month, which don't get me wrong, its a great age and all, but I feel OLD. But I guess if I told that to a 30 year old they would laugh at me. Ah well, that's life I guess. :) OH and also for my birthday, I was given a cellphone! I am very excited about that! We are also getting a texting plan as a Christmas present from my parents as well, I'm extremely excited about that! Ah we are so blessed!
Micah is doing extremely well in school, it was difficult in the beginning, but now he is enjoying it very much. He's been taught so many things that we couldn't have been able to teach him. It's absolutely amazing. God is so good! Praise God that we were put in this area for him to be able to have a special needs class just for him. Ah, it's amazing how God works everything out.
Ben, Nyki and August are doing just splendidly, we are so proud of them! August has turned out to be quite the cute little hunk of a baby! He is SO cute! I just can't get enough of him!
Daddy's work has been a blessing as well, he was "promoted" to a higher job, which is still the same job he had before, but now he's the "Manager". There's something about being called a "Manager" that makes you feel super important. :) Awesome!
Ho hum, what else is there? AH yes. I'm hoping to find a job after Christmas Break. Possibly at the new Joann Fabrics that is opening up in FDL. That would be cool. :)
Well, that's all from me! Hopefully I didn't forget anything or leave anything out!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year everyone!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Go Scott Walker!!! HE CAN DO IT!!!!!! BEAT TOMMY OUT'A THERE! =D

I'm proud to be a Republican! Scott Walker is SO cool!

I wish I could vote, cuz Scott would have mine! I will be so happy to vote.

Well, that's all from me!


over and out.



Saturday, October 30, 2010

Philly Cheesesteak!

YUM. Daddy made Philly Cheese steaks for dinner tonight! They were absolutely delicious!
He is the best Daddy in the whole wide world! We've been watching the Food Network Channel, and we steal ideas from all the different shows. We've learned how to make perfect hard-boiled eggs, how to make delicious chocolate cake, and of course, how to make great Philly Cheese steaks! So, enjoy this picture and I'll laugh at you when your mouth waters. (JK!!! lol) You should come over sometime and eat with us, we always have room at our table!

I also made this DELICIOUS Chocolate Honey Pie in a Graham Cracker Crust the other day. We ate one and we froze one for my birthday. I took pictures and I'm going to post the recipe when I can. It was so simple, and it had half the sugar normal pies have. It actually doesn't have any straight sugar in it, except the crust did. I used Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips and Honey. (obviously, since that's the pie's name.) And you don't have to bake this pie! Even the crust doesn't have to be baked. Just stick it in the fridge for a few hours, and Wa-lah! It's done. With a nice spot of whipped cream on top, it's delish! =]

So now that I've bore you with food, I'll change the subject.

Today I went to a small church festival with some kids that I was babysitting. It was very fun, and we got root beer floats! (There I go with food, again!) I got a little frog thanks to James and Makita, (they were so sweet!) we bounced in the bounce house, and we colored pumpkins! It was great fun! Church fairs and festivals are normally fun, and this one was for sure! I will post pictures from that also, hopefully, when I get a chance.

Also, I entered a novel writing contest that my friend showed me, and I have to have it written by November 30th! It'll be a squeeze, but its a good challenge. So prayers would be much appreciated!

That's all from me!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pictures! =]

Thought I'd post some pictures... enjoy! =]

Me.. I was using some really cool settings on my camera!

Noah was pouting on the way to Chicago, and it was so cute that I joined him! lol

Me in glasses, whatcha think? =]

This is the really cute guy I met at Old Navy... HAHA xD

Nathan... smelling his girlfriends sweatshirt? Ah, he's weird. lol luhv yah buddy!

Isaiah, he's so cute! lol

My sweet little nephew, August! Isn't he adorable????!!?!?!

Elijah, he's got this cute little sense of humor. =]

Isn't he just a doll?! (Noah =]..)

Jo an' Me. <3>


Music. Love. THE END.

Music is a way to express yourself. It's also a way to encourage, and to have fun. Music can also calm us, excite us, and make us happy! If we didn't have music, our world would be sad. Incredibly sad. The Lord gave us music so we could praise HIM. And we do, well, with most music.

The first composers were brilliant. David and his harp. The book of Psalms is all his songs he wrote! How cool is that? He composed beautiful music, and today people have been inspired by his songs, so we have songs that were written more the 2,000 years ago, just redone.

Today, we have so many different types of music: Classical, Pop, Rap, Hip-Hop, Rock, Heavy Metal, Folk, Bluegrass, Country, etc.

TONS of music. =]

I love music, and I hope you do, too! (Which, I'm sure you do, how could someone not like music?)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Play is upon us!

Wow, the play practices have just flown by and it's already tech week next week! I'm excited and sad at the same time. It'll be a bittersweet ending! Here's the info:

The Fond du lac Drama Troupe prouldy presents:

The Secret Garden

Written by Francis Hodgson Burnett and adapted by Tim Kelly.

It will be showing Friday, November 5th at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 6th at 2:00pm

and it will preformed at Community Church, N6717 Streblow Drive in Fond Du lac. Doors open half hour before show.

Tickets sold at the door. Admission: Adults - $5, Children (3-18) $3 and 2 and under is free.


Hope you can join us!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Reboot.... DONE.

Hey everyone!

Somehow my blog got messed up, so I had to delete it. But I've re-created my blog to this! lol

My first post.. on this blog... whoo hoo. lol =D